What is the difference between jelly and pudding

With the continuous improvement of the quality of life, people will eat some desserts in addition to three meals a day. Although the heat of dessert is relatively high, it can make people feel happy. Jelly and pudding are both delicious desserts, but the nutritional value of pudding is slightly higher, so what is the difference between pudding and jelly? 1. different appearance Jelly is also called gel, is a kind of colloidal food, showing a translucent state, invagination will generally match some fruit to add jelly taste. Although pudding is also a solid food made of body-like materials, it is opaque and has a darker color than jelly. Different 2. materials Jelly production raw materials are: sugar, carrageenan, mannose gum, calcium, sodium, potassium and so on. Now candy technology and raw materials change, now have konjac konjac jelly as raw materials, jelly colloid is made of carrageenan, mannose gum, plus sugar mixed, boiled after cooling condensation. Carrageenan is a kind of seaweed plants, mannose gum is extracted from the araceae plants in the glucomannan, are natural plant polysaccharides, they are water soluble dietary fiber. The raw material of pudding is usually corn starch, or tapioca starch. The pudding made of corn starch is solidified after cooling and begins to take a three-dimensional shape. When cassava starch is used as jelly material, the pudding is relatively soft, only the liquid and the raw material are solidified, but the three-dimensional state is presented. Usually when the cake maker makes pudding pie, he likes to use corn starch and cassava starch together to make the pudding softer and more fluid. In general, the biggest difference between jelly and pudding is the different raw materials, and there are subtle differences in taste. With later development, the difference between the two is not big.


How to choose and buy candy candy 5 matters needing attention

How to buy candy 1. Packaging Good quality candy, packaging paper moisture-proof, trademark design, sugar name, factory name is clear, candy packaging tight, tight, neat, no cracking loose phenomenon, high-grade candy has several layers of packaging, exquisite packaging. Ordinary candy packaging in general, only one layer of packaging, some wrapping paper does not even have the name of the factory, the quality is very poor. 2. Appearance Good quality candy, smooth surface, no cracks, no defects, no bonding, no impurities, good transparency. Sandwright doesn't reveal itself. If the candy is incomplete in size, sticky, and has no transparency, it is a poor candy. Each kind of candy has its own fragrance. If a candy loses its inherent fragrance, the candy will change qualitatively, and consumers should not buy it. 3, taste. Good candy sweet and smooth, moderate, no other odor. Milk fat sugar, protein sugar and chocolate sugar should be fine taste. And inferior candy has a bitter taste and other bad taste. Good candy packaging is complete, hard candy should be hard and brittle; soft candy should be soft and elastic, sandwich candy should not be exposed. All sweets should be non-sticky and non-sticky. If there is hair sand, should not buy. 4. Number of grains The candy produced by regular manufacturers has a certain number of grains per kilogram and is uniform in size. For less than 100 grains (blocks) per kilogram, the allowable difference is 2 grains; For 100-200 grains, the allowable difference is 4 grains; For more than 200 grains, the allowable difference is 6 grains of soil. If the number of candy grains purchased does not meet the above value, its quality is poor. 5. Fa Yang Fa Sand Candy surface wrapping paper has a small amount of sticky, it is a slight hair closing. If the white sand layer on the candy surface is 1-2m, it is slightly sanding. At 3-5m, it is serious sanding. Hair sand is the phenomenon of recrystallization after the sucrose dissolves in the candy. Severe hair sand, so that the candy becomes a crunchy and fragile sand block, should not be purchased. 5 Candy Selection Notes 1, first of all, observe whether the outer packaging is damaged, whether it is neat and clean, whether the handwriting printing is clear, whether the label is complete and formal. The labels of candy products produced by regular manufacturers are complete and clear, and should be marked with product name, factory name, address, ingredient list, net content, product type, implementation standard code, shelf life, etc. If it is found that the packaging and printing quality is poor, the handwriting is blurred, the marked content is incomplete, and the products without the production date are not marked, do not buy them. 2. The color and luster of the candy should be normal, uniform and bright, with pure aroma, moderate taste and light, and no other peculiar smell. The appearance of the candy should be correct, with neat edges, no corner cracks, bright and smooth surface, clear patterns, uniform size and thickness, and no obvious deformation. Candy should be free of impurities visible to the naked eye. 3. Famous brand products produced by well-known enterprises sold in large shopping malls and supermarkets. 4. Buy recently produced products with complete packaging. In particular, some candies containing dairy products, beyond the shelf life, are prone to deterioration, yellow in appearance and peculiar smell in taste. In addition, the packaging is damaged and the product will be contaminated. 5. Try to eat less candy before going to bed. Brush your teeth after eating candy to prevent tooth decay.


Candy and candied fruit market supply and demand status analysis, imported candy candied fruit demand prospects.

Candy is a kind of candy cake, refers to a kind of snack with sugar as the main ingredient. Candied fruit is made of peach, apricot, plum, jujube or wax gourd, ginger and other fruits and vegetables as raw materials, pickled with sugar or honey and processed food. According to the regional distribution of preserves, there are mainly four types: Beijing (Beijing)-style preserves, Su (Suzhou)-style preserves, Cantonese-style preserves and Fujian-style preserves. With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for snack foods such as candies has gradually increased, and the market capacity of the industry has further expanded. According to the data, in 2019, the total assets of China's candy chocolate and candied fruit manufacturing industry reached 107.552 billion billion yuan, and the total profit reached 13.581 billion billion yuan. Assets and profit of confectionery, chocolate and candied fruit manufacturing industry in China 2018-2019 Under the upgrading of consumption, young consumers, especially women, have a strong desire to explore fresh snack products and are extremely keen on sweets and candied fruits, which are sweet and sour appetizing snacks. Due to the great attraction of such sweets to children, families with children also constitute a large consumer group. In recent years, the production of candy products has also maintained a steady growth trend, with China's candy production reaching 3.298 million tons in 2019 and 1.274 million tons in the first half of 2020. Related Report: "Analysis of the Development Potential of China's Candy Industry 2020-2025 and Research Report on Investment Direction" issued by the China Economic Industry Research Institute. China is the main export country of the candy and candied fruit industry, in 2020 affected by the epidemic, the first half of the candy and candied fruit industry import and export trade both declined. In January-May 2020, China imported 32119.0 tons of candy and candied fruit, down 34.1 percent year-on-year, and exported 129971.9 tons, down 15.7 percent year-on-year. More and more imported candies and preserves are catering to the healthy transfer of consumers' eating habits by improving the raw materials and technology, which makes these high-sugar imported foods continue to be popular. In addition, compared with other types of food, candy, candied fruit derived from a richer variety of taste types, will make the consumer groups like to try new things to buy more. At the same time, because of the small size, not easy to produce satiety, and rich taste, candy, candied fruit can better meet the leisure purpose of consumers after dinner, but higher in the number and frequency of intake, but also to a certain extent increased sales.


Konjac jelly fire, what is the difference between konjac jelly and ordinary jelly

"Health", "personality and fashion", "color and flavor" are important keywords for contemporary young people to buy food, especially some fitness and weight loss star people, to maintain a beautiful figure, for the imported food is to accurately calculate the calories of each bite. In this context, many of the main low-sugar, low-calorie snacks can be described as eight immortals across the sea, each showing their magic power. Here I have to talk about the recent explosion of konjac jelly. Jelly is a childhood delicacy that accompanies every child to grow up. It can be said that from snacks to big, from big to old, suitable for children, big friends and old friends of any age! What is the difference between jelly and jelly? 1. in terms of health. Different ingredients: konjac jelly is made of konjac as raw material, the composition is relatively simple and natural, and ordinary jelly is edible gelatin, and contains a variety of saccharin, additives, etc., the composition is more complex; Different nutritional ingredients: konjac jelly contains protein, vitamins, and a variety of mineral elements; while the nutritional value of ordinary jelly is relatively low, containing only a small amount of vitamins, sugars, and a small amount of minerals. 2. from the taste Konjac jelly contains fruit juice, which ensures its rich fruity taste. 3. applicable population is different. Konjac jelly is made from konjac, konjac is a low-calorie, low-fat, satiety food, so it is also weight loss, fitness people as a greedy "savior". The jelly composition is more complex, relatively high calorie, weight loss people should be appropriate to eat.


The right way to eat sugar baby

1. Prevent excessive sugar In order to let their children eat more, some parents especially like to add sugar to milk and porridge, so that children can easily develop the habit of preferring sweets. Usually control the intake of baby snacks, sugary snacks, chocolate, jelly to eat as little as possible, so that the baby's diet to maintain low saccharification. 2. Choose the right time to eat sugar Children should never be given sugar or sweets on an empty stomach, after a full meal, within 2 hours before eating, and before going to bed. 3. What if the baby wants sugar Babies like to eat sugar, parents may wish to make an agreement with the baby, the provisions of the weekly amount of food, as well as the time to eat sugar. For example, during the Spring Festival, the family has a wealth of new year's goods, and when visiting relatives and friends, they will inevitably be invited to eat candy. You can make an appointment with your baby in advance. You can only eat one candy and two biscuits a day. 4. Don't treat sugar as a special preference When the baby is sick, don't let the baby eat some sweets in order to improve the taste, which is not conducive to the recovery of the sick child. 5. Watch out for invisible sugar In addition to some junk food that everyone knows, there are some sugar hidden in places that are not easy to find. Like juice and overly sweet fruit. When giving children fruit juice, control the amount, not more than 150 ml per day, and choose pure fruit juice. Try to let the baby to develop a healthy habit of eating more fruits and drinking less fruit juice drinks. If it is too sweet fruit, do not overeat. 6. Strengthen the protection of teeth Eating sugar can easily lead to tooth decay, but it is impossible not to eat it at all. If you can brush your teeth immediately after eating sugar, your baby's chances of suffering from tooth decay can be reduced a lot. In addition, regularly take the child to the stomatology department to check the teeth, and deal with the problems in time, which can also protect the child's teeth from sugar.


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